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Testimonials - Organizational Renewal

Client: A publicly held manufacturer of flat panel displays, fiber optic cables, flow control and processing equipment.

The problem in this letter will be for me to project the passion I feel for the importance of your contributions. Our team is now able to see who we are with a perspective and clarity beyond what any of us thought possible. You have provided us interpersonal skills which have proven invaluable in our quest to build a high performance team in our company. As we grow, w need to be able to resolve conflict while maintaining our focus. This is something we now do regularly. Because we now can resolve disagreements and conflict with relative ease, we are more wing to take chances and extend ourselves. This willingness is saving a lot of time and frustration. You have successfully assisted us in applying these skills in a number of extremely difficult “conflicts”, including an international situation which enabled us to face into and make very difficult decisions and resolve some seemingly unresolvable disagreements complicated by language differences.

In a later letter --

John Konstanturos’ work with Tylan General saved our company from a complete meltdown of the executive staff. Our three-day retreat with John greatly exceeded our expectations and proved a pivotal point in our company’s history. We learned how to eliminate the destructive silos and turf wars, and several major disagreements were resolved faster than any of us thought possible. We emerged from the retreat as a cohesive team ready to take on any challenge. It is doubtful that we would have succeeded without John’s help.

Ric Erdman
President, Tylan General

Client: An international property management, construction, environmental and consulting firm.

Our company has grown ten-fold in the last four years. We recently were awarded several
government contracts valued at more than 650 million dollars. The relationships between the owners and our management team have continued to improve. This would not have been possible without the work John did with me personally and with our team. I would recommend him to anyone.

Frank Loscavio
President PRI

Client: A regional banking company with banks and branches in two states.

My concerns about “grid-lock” in decision making in our organization was occurring from accelerating changes brought on by the economic, competitive and regulatory environment. The decline of productivity and grid-lock was occurring because of resistance to change and the need for improved teamwork. The work that you have done with us has been more effective than any of us would ever have believed possible. I can say that without reservation that issues and relationships that were of major proportion had gone unrecognized or unresolved for months and even years in some cases.

Thanks to your facilitation most of those were handled within 30 to 45 minutes. That paved the way for far more productive teamwork. In my entire business career, I have never had the opportunity and the pleasure of working with anyone as professional and effective as you and Susan. Every officer that participated in your program had been extremely complimentary. Several stated that we could do away with all the training of the past as this has been most helpful to them in both their professional and personal lives.

Rick McNeece
President & CEO
First National Bancorp in Georgia
24 banks in Georgia and Florida

John has an amazing ability to quickly get to the core of interpersonal issues, handling conflict with compassion, dignity and respect for those involved. He practices what he truly believes - that we should never stop learning - and as a teacher he commits significant time to being taught. As a result of John’s work with us, all 19 of our banks met or exceeded their quarterly targets – one by more than a million dollars. John’s work is 20 years ahead of other leaders in his field, and they charge a lot more. People who have been fortunate enough to know or spend time with John are better for the experience. I know he can make a major difference in your business and your personal life.

Rick McNeece
President & CEO
First National Bancorp in Georgia and later
Huntington Bank in Michigan and Ohio

The effect of your program on the overall atmosphere around here has been staggering. When we told our staff how we were committing to new levels of high performance teamwork we got a lot of eye rolling and snickers. But when we started backing up our words with actions, you could see the heads starting to turn. It really didn’t take long before we saw a real noticeable difference here. It turns out that a lot of people around here who I thought were miserable S.O.B.’s are actually really nice people who want to work hard and do a great job. They must have been simply fitting in with the mood we created before your work. When our seasonal staff returned last fall, they made comments about how much we all had improved. It seems that when the personal relationships improve, the business issues follow along and improve by themselves.

John, your teachings have changed my life and the lives of most everyone with whom I now
come in contact. THANK YOU !!!

Steve Sunseth
An executive with a Canadian business consulting firm with offices throughout Canada
(Additional information available on request)

It is so rare that anyone can say this about an experience or a product, but in the case of your team building workshop,”it was better than expected”. None of us understood how powerful and useful what you taught us (and what we taught each other) would be. Many of my peers in other businesses have had experiences with ”team building” workshops, but it is clear after a little discussion, that there is no comparison in terms of the real impact your work has on the organization and the translation of that into improved performance.

Thank you very much, John!
Michael Mack
CEO & Co Founder Garden Fresh Restaurants
Over 100 restaurants in 19 states

As you are aware, prior to our merger, we were an independent regional broker for fifty-five years. Following our decision to merge with James, we acquired for other firms within a span of four months. We soon discovered our new team of upper management consisted of all “captains”, at time maneuvering to determine “who’s on first”. The lack of commitment and effective communication jeopardized our long term success.

Your workshop succeeded in exposing hidden agendas, leading to affirmation of new alliances toward a true James team. Your follow-up meetings were critical to reinforcement of the group as a team.

The results...an increase in production by 26% over last year, a record pre-tax profit and most importantly, continual communication and resolution of problems they arise, rather than allowing
procrastination and assumptions to rule. We created both corporate mission statements as well as personal ones. On the personal side, all have set goal and the majority have remained on target. The result weight loss, physical exercise, better health and improved communication with our spouses and children.

In short John, your work built a new James team and prepared us to build our own team at home as well.

Jerry B. Bearden, Esq.
Senior Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
Fred S. James & Co. of California

Communication barriers have been broken down. There is a renewed sense of responsibility for our respective areas. There were profound problems requiring immediate attention requiring immediate action necessitating managers from different areas to work better together. Your team building program quickly identified the problems and guided us in resolving them. We became aware of how our own behavior affects others, allowing improved relationships in the workplace as well as in our personal lives. Our new and improved behavior patterns will be with us the rest of our lives. THANK YOU !

John H.Mays
President & CEO
First American Bank Ashland, Kentucky

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