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  Personal Renewal Renewal of Relationships Organizational Renewal  

Frequently Asked Questions
About the Programs of Continuous Renewal

Is it a form of therapy?
A: No.

Who can benefit from Continuous Renewal programs?
A: Anyone interested in significantly improving their abilities with difficult conversations, relationships and conflict resolution.

How will I know it is working?
A: It will be obvious to you and those who know you.

How long will it take for me to see results?
A: Before you have completed the program.

How will I know if this approach is the right one for me?
A: You will be telling everyone how the quality of your life has improved. Even if you say or do nothing, it will be obvious that it was right for you. Trust your gut!

Are these just temporary fixes?
A: Only if you want them to be.

What should I expect as a result of one of your programs?
A: You will have the tools to regain control of your life and start living a life you love.

The programs are not going to be “messing” with our heads, are they?
A: No – We help you develop good habits so you can stop “messing” with your own head.

This looks great, how can I get my manager to do this?
A: Let your manager know how much you want to do this so you can improve your performance. 
Be specific; tell your manager what you want to improve on.  Describe things your manager wants you to improve on then ask her/him to join you.

What if I want this for myself but my company is not interested?
A: Do it for yourself, be your new self - and your company, family and friends will be very interested.

How much does it cost?
A: Workshops and retreats are custom designed to meet your needs.
Contact us to discuss your options.
Personal sessions: $150 per hour.
Corporate sessions: $800 for a half-day, and $1,200 for a full day.

On your website, you refer to the distinctions between knowledge and wisdom. Help me better understand the differences and how your programs will provide me access to
    greater wisdom.

A: Wisdom is a type of knowing gained only by accessing the highest and noblest powers of the mind.  Knowledge is gained by bringing into play only such powers possessed by almost everybody. 
Knowledge is public and readily describable. Knowledge can be acquired. Wisdom can be accessed only through the right “openings” in our consciousness.

The work of Continuous Renewal is specifically designed to help you enjoy greater access to the wisdom of your heart.

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Personal Renewal   Renewal of Relationships   Organizational Renewal

You Will...

Resolve your most limiting blind spots and habits and move on.

Diminish addictions such as being right and worry.

Respond to challenges without stressful reactions.

Discover your purpose in life and rewrite your own future.


You Will...

Learn to resolve arguments and conflicts in a way that honors your differences.

Create greater harmony in all your relationships.

Renew relationships when
  they have become boring
       or unworkable.

         Learn to convert
          discomfort and
           anxiety into mut-
             ual resolution of


You & Your Team Will...

Reduce destructive practices such as negative corporate politics and “silos”.

Produce a revitalization of your culture
through personal transformation.

Move beyond the latest,
greatest organization
development techniques
and renew your organiz-
ation by harmoniously
blending chaos and order.

Transcend the need for top-
down, imposed accountab-
ility and have all your peo-
ple choose to hold each
other accountable.

Renewal of relationships is only possible through personal renewal.
Both are essential building blocks for the renewal of organizations.